January always sneaks past me. One minute it is December 31st, and the next it is February 1st. Someone is guaranteed to get sick, either from spending time with cousins and family during the holidays or at school. We get up in the dark, it is cold and the days are short. I have a mountain of to-dos that get pushed aside for the holidays, and bedtime can't come soon enough!
To combat the January blues, I decided to test out my new sewing chair that my husband gave me for Christmas. I had this super soft and comfy grey knit fabric that I had purchased a couple of months ago.
After eyeing several swing dresses in the store, I decided that I should try and make one myself. It didn't look complicated and honestly my super soft grey fabric was of a better quality then most of the swing dresses I found in the store.
Turns out that swing dresses are super easy to make and now I'm on the look out for a fun and bright fabric to make more for summer.
Please ignore the award posing in these pictures...I am not photogenic and I'm super awkward in from of a camera. 😄