On July 24th, Lucas turned three months old. We celebrated by taking pictures out on the camp field. He wore his baseball onesie and shorts. While we were taking pictures, one of the girls' cabins joined us. Their counselor took this picture for me.
Lucas is growing so fast! He is becoming more animated and engaging with people - flashing smiles, oohing and cooing. In addition, he is beginning to laugh!
The days of wearing my hair down and long necklaces are over! Lucas is working on mastering his grabbing skills. He loves grabbing onto hair and clothing. I've lost count of how many times I've pulled hair out of his tightly clinched fists.
I taught gymnastic's camp for two weeks. Below are the group shots of Jr. Week #1 and Jr. Week #2. For Jr. Week #1 I was the head coach. The girls worked really hard and made great progress on their tumbling and acro skills. For Jr. Week #2, I assisted Coach McFarland. Coach McFarland was my coach at La Sierra University. With his help the class was able to learn harder and more challenging tumbling skills.
Gymnastics Camp Jr. Week #1 |
Gymnastics Camp Jr. Week #2 |
Lucas and his father bond over gate duty.
I took Lucas to visit his Grandma and Aunties at the horsemanship department. Here we are posing next to Kipper. Kipper has been at PSR for many years. She is a sweet and gentle horse. At first, Lucas was more interested in talking with the horse staff than actually meeting the horses.
The outpost play is a big part of the weekly camp programing. At the beginning of the summer, my husband understudied for the male lead. He played the character of Grover McAllister - the conniving, sly, cheating brother of Horace McAllister. In the play, Grover and Horace are twins. Their father has recently passed away and has left the brothers with a large amount of land out in California. Instead to dividing up the land, the Father told the brothers that whoever reaches California first gets the land. In the play, Grover cheats and wins the race to California only to find that the land is worthless. He decides to forfeit his win and gives the land to his brother (who dose not know that the land is worthless). Grover and his wife Leah go back home leaving Horace and his wife Eliza with the worthless land. However, it turns out that with a effort and work Horace is able to clear out the old mine to discover that its full of gold. Horace and Eliza are able to live out their lives together on the land and become one of the wealthiest family in California.
Pictured below is my husband rehearsing for the play, Miss Holm and Lucas being silly and myself with Lucas. Miss Holm plays the character of Leah McAllister - Grover's wife. Miss Holm and Lucas were sharing giggles during rehearsal. I was asked by the programing coordinator to fill in for a minor character. My character is a townswomen at the recently deceased Mr. McAllister funeral. I had a couple lines...gossiping about Mr. McAllister and his sons. During the play, I carried Lucas with me. I could hear the campers whispering to each other asking if the baby in the play was real or fake. lol.
That's all for now. I'll post more pictures and stories from our adventures @ PSR at a later time.
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