When your three year old announces at breakfast that he "broke his day" you know it is going to be a rough one. Upon hearing his announcement I brewed an extra large and strong cup of tea. I knew I was going to need it...
This week has been challenging. I haven't been at 100%. Some mornings I woke up and was able to get things done. I felt great, energetic, ready to conquer the day! Other days...not so much. Some mornings all I want to do was sit on the couch, turn on Netflixs, cover my head and go back to sleep.
Or as my overly dramatic son would say "Mamma, I need a new day!"
I hear ya!
Some days I've got it together, and others..not so much.
My toddler is the same way. Some mornings he wakes up, fresh and ready for his day. He's got his lightsaber and jedi robes all ready to fight off Darth Vader. And other days..well...he wakes up and announces that he "broke his day."
We - including my toddler - all have our good days and our bad days. I need to keep in mind that grace and forgiveness that I want on my bad days is the same that I need to give my husband and kids when they are having a bad day.
...and if all else fails..its an early bedtime for everyone!
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