With the hustle and bustle of the daily grind, our family needed to get away for the afternoon. I couldn't think of a better place than the San Deigo Safari Park. It's far enough away to be out of town, but close enough for a day trip. It is familiar, the weather is cooler and its outdoors. Turned out that it was a good day to go, not too crowded and the animals were active.
Our day didn't start out well. In fact, we almost turned around and stayed home. The kiddos were fussy, I didn't pack ahead of time so we were all running behind and on top of it Lucas had a long week at school. Nevertheless, we pushed forward and went to the park. And although it was a good day, I was exhausted by the end of it.
One of the highlights of our day was watching the elephants. Two elephant brothers were splashing and swimming in their pool. The kiddos were enthralled. It was cute watching the two brothers roughhouse in the water clearly enjoying themselves.
We stayed until the late afternoon before heading home. Glad we went and oh so thankful or a full rest on Sunday before Monday morning.
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