April 23, 2012

House Hunting

I've decided that house hunting is a daunting task.  My husband and I are on a budget, which prevents us from purchasing the home of our dreams. This I have accepted, and am ok with. Waiting for the ultimate dream house will give me a better idea of what I exactly want and what will fit my needs and the needs of my family. I started my search back in November. Nothing to serious just pursuing through various web sites (zillow.com, redfin.com and prudential.com). I quickly learned that although zillow.com is a good place to start, redfin.com gives more information regarding sale status. It is now April and we still haven't actually gone to look at a single home. To our credit, we did attempt to schedule tours, however either the house turned out to be on a short sale or unavailable. Inexpensive, well maintained homes sale fast...who would have thought?  

Purchasing a home this early in our married life was not in the original plan. Plans change. That's life! Up until now we have been renting an apartment. I love my apartment. It's small. But compared to living in an university dormitory, it feels like a mansion! My biggest regret is that I never got to decorate the apartment. I did hang pictures, and some art on the walls, however I wish that I could have done more. The idea of taking everything down just to pack it up again seemed pointless and I hate packing.

Apartment living has given me a better idea of what I want in a home. I've discovered that more closet and storage space, along with an actual pantry are high on my list of priorities. My little walk-in-closet is stuffed to the brim with clothing, baby stuff, extra blankets, shoes and other random objects. For my husband, I'd love to give him his own office space. Currently, his office is technically the dinning room. I hate his office furniture...it's so ugly! I can't wait to replace it with something a little more aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
I've learned that ventilation is important. I can't stand stuffy rooms. And I don't like ceramic tile floors.

Location is key. I have a mental map of yes, no and maybe neighborhoods. The "no" neighborhood list seemed to be getting bigger each day. I am picky, but hey..if I have to live in a particular neighborhood for the next ten to fifteen years I'd better like it and feel comfortable living in it.

What will be, will be. I pray that we find the right home soon, and that I have the patience to keeping looking.

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