I'm excited to announce the birth of our son - Lucas David Harrison. He was born on April 24th, at 8:34 am. He weighed 6 lb 13.7 oz, and was 19.5 inches long. He is adorable, with ten perfect little fingers and ten perfect little toes. He has his father's lips and nose!
Overall, the labor and delivery experience wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be. My water broke at 11:33 pm Monday night. I was afraid of going to the hospital to early, resulting in being sent back home, so I took a shower, had a small snack and made the final preparations. My wonderful husband called labor and delivery and we were instructed to come in. We arrived around midnight. I grinned and beared the pain until it became to much than I asked for my epidural. I was able to sleep through most of the early stages of labor. Hours later I was ready and after about 30 minutes of pushing Lucas was born. :)
More to come...
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