October 16, 2014

The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

Life's been busy, I'm going to keep things short today.

This book has been on my "to read" list for years. As a child, I read the kid's version and fell in love with the story of Christian and his fellow companions. Following the example of the March sisters, I would tie a burden on my back and march around the house playing pilgrim - trudging through the Slough of Despond, climbing the Hill of Difficulty, slaying Apollyon and resting at Palace Beautiful.

I was happy to find an unabridge audiobook with modern language of the Pilgrim's Progress. The only downside with my copy is that it does not include Christiana's journey to the celestial city. However, I did want a copy with modern language vs. Old English and so I'm not going to complain to much about the missing second part.

October 4, 2014

it's fall ya'll

Happy Sabbath and Happy Fall! 

While my husband was away playing bass guitar for a friend's Hawaiian band; Lucas, Dadi and Dada, and I took a trip to the Irvine Park Zoo and pumpkin patch. Between September 20th  and October 31st, the area behind the train station is transformed into a festive pumpkin patch with many family friendly activities.  Lucas had a blast running through the hay bale mazes, searching for the biggest and brightest pumpkin to sit on, munching on delicious banana bread and sticking his head through the wooden cutouts. 

I was so proud of Lucas for getting on the pony. Several months ago I tried to introduce Lucas to horseback riding and he cried the whole time. However, this time he happily rode Ginger and didn't want to get off when his turn was over. 

And of course the day wasn't complete until we walked around the zoo, groomed some goats and checked out an owl with upside down and backwards binoculars.