October 31, 2016

something adorable this ways comes...

Happy Halloween from an adorable pioneer girl and a brave stormtrooper. We aren't huge fans of Halloween around here, but I do enjoy dressing the kids up. Instead of trick-or-treating, we spent the evening camped out at Dadi and Dada's house passing out candy to all of the neighbor kids and their parents. Both kiddos did a fabulous job ensuring that everyone elses kids were hopped up on sweets for the evening. 

And now on to a more enjoyable holiday...Thanksgiving. 

October 15, 2016


October 9, 2016

pumpkin patch

We celebrated my Dad's 52nd birthday today at the Peltzer Pumpkin Farm. Besides the 80 plus degree weather, it was a beautiful afternoon. The Peltzer Pumkin Farm is such a fun place to pick pumpkins. In addition to having some of the best pumpkins around, they have pig races, train rides, a corn maze and panning for gold. Doing fall activities makes me so excited for the cooler weather. We picked pumpkins in t-shirts and tank tops. There were a few ladies wearing scarves, boots and sweaters...but honestly in 80 degree weather I'd rather be comfortable. We had fun spending time with family, celebrating my dad and playing in the pumpkin patch. 

October 6, 2016

16 months

My sweet baby Alara is 16 months today. It's been a while since I did a baby update, so bear with me. 
  • Her favorites activities are climbing - the more dangerous the better, pillaging purses and exploring the backyard. 
  • She loves to sing. It's a talent that she didn't get from me. 
  • She loves animals. All animals are "bow-bows." I really hope that she likes horses too. I'm looking forward to introducing Alara to the wonderful world of horseback riding. 
  • Her favorite toys to play with are stuffed animals.
  • She adores her brother. 
  • She has a scrappy side. I've already had to pull her away from her brother several times...she grabs his hair, bats at him and when she doesn't get her way she'll cry loudly. 
  • She can say "Mama" "Daddy" "Ball" "Go" "Uh, Oh"  " Stuck" and "Bye-Bye"