January 15, 2018

missing home and settling in

We have been in our new home for three weeks now. I've started splashing paint samples around, measuring for furniture and shopping for flooring. I'm learning my way around town, and I've become comfortable with Lucas' school commute.  I do still use my phone's gps, and I've made a few wrong turns here and there..but I'm learning and it is getting easier.

I do miss my home. Not necessarily the physical dwelling, or neighborhood but the home community of family and friends.

Attending a new church was hard, I miss our home church. 

I bought a bag of California style veggies just because it said California on the bag.

I took the kiddos to the Riparian Preserve for some fresh air and exercise. It was refreshing to get out and away from the house. We didn't know what to expect and were pleasantly surprise. Next time we will take Denny and Daddy. The kiddos enjoyed playing at the park, exploring the observatory and running down the dirt trails.

Alara thought she was back at the Safari Park.

It felt nice to get outside and do something normal and the drive back helped familiarize me with the area. 

I think this will work, but it will take time.

January 9, 2018

layered skirt

Ahem. Pardon the poor picture. 

I bought this fabric months ago, however between the move and the holidays it just sat. Finally, this afternoon I finished this little skirt and I can't wait to wear it..probably with a different top because it is 80 degrees here in Arizona. 

January 8, 2018

we moved

Here is a quick little post on what's been going on lately and why I haven't been posting.

Back in September my husband was approached by the Western Adventist Foundation to interview for a job opening that they had. The Foundation is located in Scottsdale Arizona, which would require our family to move. After praying and discussing the idea of moving, my husband reached out and a date was set for the interview.

His interview was set for November 27th.

That weekend, my husband and I drove out to Scottsdale. We drove around, looked at potential neighborhoods and checked out the local Adventist school. The weather was beautiful, perfect for exploring a new city.

On the day of the interview, my husband and I were invited to join the Foundation for worship. I met his potential (future) boss and others who worked for the Foundation. After worship I left to visit and tour the local Adventist school nearby.

My tour of the school went well. And I left feeling confident that my son would do well academically and socially at the school.

I joined my husband and a few others from the Foundation for lunch. Lunch was at an Aquarium, which honestly I thought was odd being that we were in the middle of the desert. But apparently, the aquarium in Scottsdale is one of the biggest ones this side of the county.

We left Scottsdale after lunch, and on the long drive home discussed how the interview went. My husband and I agreed that if the Foundation offered him the job that he should take it. And less than an hour late, the Foundation called and offered my husband the job and he accepted.

I cried.

The weeks that followed were busy for our family. We had to pack up our home, find a new home, say good-bye to friends and family....oh and prepare for Christmas.

It was hard saying good-bye to our church friends, to Lucas' kindergarten teachers and our own families. It was stressful, and on top of everything I got sick.

On moving day it took every ounce of inner strength that I had not to curl up and cry. I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay in my home, and community that I had worked so hard to build.

I am happy for this opportunity and I am excited to see what this new chapter brings for our family. My husband had worked hard and I'm happy that he moving up in his chosen career.

And now back to unpacking.

January 1, 2018

From Our Family To Yours - Merry Christmas + recap

Merry Christmas from our family to yours..

This Christmas season has flown by quickly. We have been busy packing, saying good-bye to friends and family and making the best of our last days here in our current home. Even with the chaos of packing, the kiddos and I set up our Christmas tree and decorated the house. It was harder than I thought decorating this house knowing that this would be our last Christmas here. I didn't realize how attached I had grown to our "Starter home." 

For Christmas Eve we spent the morning with my parents, then went to my husband's parents in the evening. Christmas morning was spent at home enjoying the company of close family. We ended our Christmas festivities at my Grandparents home. 

I'm grateful that we got to spend so much time with family and friends before our big move. Everything from simple coffee dates with friends to having Dadi and Dada watch the kiddos so my husband and I could sneak away for a quick dinner (then back to packing) and movie. I'm so thankful and blessed to have such wonderful and caring people in my life and honestly that makes this move so much harder. It is my hope and prayer to never lose what I have gained during my time in the La Sierra community. 

Love you all, and Merry Christmas

Next time I post here on Little House of Harrison it will be from our new home in Arizona. 
Wish us luck and send lots of prayers our way as we travel.