September 12, 2014

The L.A County Fair

Good Lord, it's hot here. I'm actually kinda jealous of those who live in parts of the country where its transitioning into fall weather - here in SoCal we are experiencing highs in the triple digits.


When its this hot most SoCal residences stay inside, go swimming or head to the cooler weather of the coast. Not us. Our family, along with a couple of friends all piled into the car and drove down to the L.A County fair for a day of farm animals, fair foods and trains.

On top of serving fried, cheesecake, oreos, twinkies, red velvet cake and pecan pie...fried bacon donuts,  pineapples and chocolate hot dogs were listed on the menu. 

I limited myself to one fried oreo and one shared funnel cake. That was enough fried food to last me for a lifetime...

I'm glad that L.A County Fair brought back the farm exhibits. Lucas loved being able to pet the cows, sheep and goats up-close. I did feel bad for the animals. It was at least 90 + degrees in the shaded areas and some of the poor critters looked uncomfortable.  In the old outdoor show arena, the fair turned the entire area into one large farm. Kids could watch demonstrations on how our fruits and vegetables are grown, what it takes to be a farmers and how to grow your own garden. 

As the day went on, it did cool down and we enjoyed the forestry services exhibit and the train museum before heading home exhausted.  

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